The Link Between Vitamin D and Skin Cancer: What You Should Know

Vitamin D is important for our health, helping with bones and the immune system. But how does it connect to skin cancer? Let’s look at some studies to understand this better.

Study 1: Vitamin D and Skin Cancer

Q: What did the researchers study?

A: Researchers Martin-Gorgojo, Gilaberte, and Nagore reviewed studies from 2011 to 2021 to learn about vitamin D and skin cancer.

Q: What did they find about sun exposure and vitamin D?

A: Sunlight helps our bodies make vitamin D, but too much sun can cause skin cancer. It’s safer to get vitamin D from food or supplements.

Q: Is there clear evidence about vitamin D and skin cancer?

A: No, studies don’t agree on how vitamin D affects skin cancer risk. Sun exposure and other factors make it complicated.

Q: What tips do the researchers give?


  1. Use sun protection if you’re at risk for skin cancer.
  2. Get vitamin D from your diet instead of the sun.
  3. Check your vitamin D levels regularly if you have skin cancer or are at high risk.

Study 2: Vitamin D and Melanoma

Q: What did another study look at?

A: Another study by Ombra and others looked at how vitamin D might prevent melanoma, a serious skin cancer.

Q: What did they find about UV radiation and melanoma?

A: Sun exposure, especially in childhood, is a big risk for melanoma. Early sunburns can double the risk.

Q: How might vitamin D help with cancer?

A: Vitamin D might help prevent cancer by stopping cells from growing too much, but more research is needed.

Q: What should people do about sun exposure and vitamin D?

A: It’s important to protect your skin from the sun while getting enough vitamin D.

Q: Is more research needed?

A: Scientists need to study more to understand how vitamin D can prevent melanoma and help patients.


Q: Is the connection between vitamin D and skin cancer simple?

A: No, the connection is complicated. While sunlight helps make vitamin D, it also increases skin cancer risk.

Q: What is the best way to get vitamin D?

A: It’s best to get vitamin D from food and supplements and protect your skin from too much sun. Regular checks for vitamin D levels are a good idea if you’re at high risk for skin cancer.

Practical Advice

Q: What sun protection advice is given?

A: Always use sunscreen and wear protective clothing if you’re at risk or have had skin cancer.

Q: How can you get vitamin D from food?

A: Eat foods rich in vitamin D, such as fortified milk and fatty fish, and take supplements if needed.

Q: Should you check your vitamin D levels?

A: Yes, if you have a history of skin cancer or are at high risk, ask your doctor to check your vitamin D levels regularly.


  • Martin-Gorgojo, A., Gilaberte, Y., & Nagore, E. (2021). Vitamin D and Skin Cancer: An Epidemiological, Patient-Centered Update and Review. Nutrients, 13(12), 4292. DOI: 10.3390/nu13124292
  • Ombra, M. N., Paliogiannis, P., Doneddu, V., Sini, M. C., Colombino, M., Rozzo, C., … & Palmieri, G. (2017). Vitamin D status and risk for malignant cutaneous melanoma: recent advances. European Journal of Cancer Prevention, 26(6), 532-541. DOI: 10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000334